Long Overdue Facelift for HMCS HAIDA

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Recent visitors to the ship will have noticed that while the exterior appearance of the hull is excellent, the decks and superstructure look forlorn and unloved with peeling paint, bare patches and obvious corrosion everywhere.  That should soon change with a six-week work period between October 8th and November 16th.   Decks and superstructure are to be sandblasted and painted with spot repairs of corroded areas; scuttles, doors and hatches will be cleaned, and new gaskets installed; wood rails sanded and varnished; and new white oak stripping installed on the bridge dodger.  An electrical upgrade will bring HAIDA into compliance with modern electrical codes, decommissioning the old 225 volts dc and 24 volts dc systems, installing new LED lighting throughout the ship while preserving the heritage nature of the old system and providing discrete ac power supplies for radios, navigation lights & radar scanners.

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