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RCSCC 151 SENECA existed from about 1956 till April 1972.  The cadets came from Caledonia, Haldimand County and Six Nations. It met in a small hip roofed building, called “The Chicken Coop”, still standing in the rear of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 154 at 29 Caithness Street East, Caledonia.   They used a 22” rifle range located in the basement at the rear of the Hewitt Building (18 Argyle Street North) and had an old lifeboat up the Grand River near Big Creek.

  • Surgeon LCdr Kevin Greaves, Navy League National Sea Cadet Chairman in 1982 and later President of the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada was an officer there from 1956 to 1970
  • LCdr Ray Parks (CO of RCSCC LION from 1978 to 1981) started as a Civilian Instructor and was CO from 1962 till 1966
  • LCdr Don Williamson (CO of RCSCC LION 1973-1978 and later an officer at HMCS STAR)- 1957-1958
  • Other names associated with the corps were Roy Gumbley, Charley Gumbley, Dennis McCleary, William Burnham Jr and Thomas Burnham.
The Chicken Coop

Thanks to Bill Griffey,  a cadet from about 1966 to 1972, for some of this information.

Two pictures from the Caledonia Legion archives, the one June 1958 and the other June 1963, likely showing cadets participating in the Legion Decoration Day parade.