With roots going back to 1919 in British Columbia, the Naval Association of Canada, formerly the Naval Officers Association of Canada (NOAC), aims to bring together serving and retired sailors and all those who have an interest in seeing the Royal Canadian Navy prosper and maintain its world-class capabilities. NAC seeks to educate the Canadian public on their Navy and what it needs if it is to continue to contribute effectively into the future to Canada’s security, prosperity and other interests, not only in home waters, but around the world.
NAC also supports Sea Cadets through an annual contribution to the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Education Foundation for pursuit of an education in a Maritime Studies program. Pro-naval education, however, is not all that NAC does. Besides Public Education, two other equal pillars form NAC’s three-part mission. These are Maritime Heritage and Camaraderie.
Under Maritime Heritage, NAC is undertaking to work with the fifty-or-so maritime museums and trusts across the country to both bring Canada’s remarkable maritime history and accomplishments to everyone’s attention, at the same time as contributing to their preservation.
Under Camaraderie, NAC members enjoy the spirit and comradeship derived from shared service to Canada and an affinity for the sea. Additionally, NAC member camaraderie extends to the active support of less-fortunate members and those suffering the loss of a loved one. NAC goes to bat for the naval family.
Extract from the NAC website: http://navalassoc.ca/national/