Since at least 1977, the Naval Association of Canada has offered scholarships to members of HMCS STAR. Initially they were intended only for Naval cadets and Junior Officers but they are now open to all ranks. The scholarship amounts to $2,500 per year for up to four years.

Our records are incomplete but here are some of the winners.
1977 OCdt Francis Barreto
1978 OCdt Jennifer Bennet – RAdm, ComNavRes, Chief Reserves & Cadets
1979 OCdt David M. Thomson – Lt and MD
1980 no award
1981 OCdt Richard H. Oland – Cdr & CO of SCOTIAN
1982 OCdt Michael Cobham
1983 OCdt Charles Fraser
1984 OCdt Brad J. Harness
1985 OCdt Mark E. Carruth
1986 OCdt Cadet Derek Jackson – Lt & XO of STAR
1987 NCdt Jeffery Munn
1988 NCdt Craig Halblander
1989 NCdt Lorne Carruth – Cdr, Commander Coastal Forces Pacific, etc
1990 NCdt Michael Jolliffe
1991 NCdt Liza Chang
1992 A/SLT Philip Twyford
1993 NCdt Richard O. Mayne – naval historian & author
1994 NCdt Marc Zandvliet – LCdr at MALAHAT
1995 NCdt Michael Lafferty
1996 SLT Johan Broman – Lt, XO of west coast MCDVs
1997 NCdt Mark Playfair
1998 A/SLT Jennifer Lee Robinson
1999 SLT Stephen Churm – CO of STAR 2016
2000 SLT Michael Acheson
2001 NCdt John Arthur
2002 no award
2003 NCdt Aaron Lealess
2004 NCdt Ryan Bell – LCdr, RCN