HAIDA Ship’s Company Listing

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The information here has been compiled from many sources and makes no pretensions to be complete or correct.  Please feel free to suggest additions or corrections.  The fact that a name is not listed here does not mean that the individual in question did not serve in HAIDA.

Refer also to:

For Posterity’s Sake  http://www.forposterityssake.ca/Navy/HMCS_HAIDA_G63.htm

Former HAIDA Crewmembers – Jerry Proc     http://jproc.ca/haida/formcrew_photo.html

The best way to verify service is to apply for the service record of a direct relative.     

Personnel Records Unit 
Library and Archives Canada 
395 Wellington Street 
Ottawa, ON 
K1A 0N3

All the necessary instructions are listed on the web page. 
Toll free 1-866-578-7777 (Canada and U.S.A) 
Fax:     (613) 947-8456

For further details, visit the Library and Archives of Canada web page: 
