Historical Collection

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Lt George P. Malcolmson, Hamilton Naval Brigade , 1862

As the first organized naval reserve in Hamilton extends back to 1862 with the formation of the short-lived Hamilton Naval Brigade, and with over 8,000 officers, sailors and WRCNS passing through STAR, during the Second World War, there is a lot of history to record and a lot of stories to tell.

Our collection consists of three parts: the Historical Collection itself, the collection of artefacts, uniforms, badges, medals, and assorted items; a continually growing archive of documents and papers relating to HMCS STAR; and a library, focused primarily on Canadian naval history, as well as an extensive collection of naval manuals and official publications.

Many of our artefacts are displayed in built-in or portable cabinets on the quarterdeck or elsewhere throughout the ship. We have a storage and work room in Room 215.2 (Classroom 2) on the upper deck.

The Historical Collection Committee acts as custodian of the Historical Collection at HMCS STAR, Hamilton’s Naval Reserve Division, on behalf of the Commanding Officer, to assist in carrying out his responsibilities to care for artefacts that belong to the ship. The current committee consists of:

  • Neil Bell
  • Bob DeWolfe
  • David Donkin
  • Doug Martin
  • Don Williamson

Our aims are:

  • to act as custodians of HMCS STAR Historical Collection and to collect, preserve, display and interpret items such as documents, pictures, books, uniforms, badges, medals and other artefacts relating to:
  • Hamilton Half Company of the Royal Canadian Naval Reserve & HMCS STAR
  • Local Navy League of Canada branches, Boys Naval Brigades and Sea Cadet Corps; and
  • the wider naval and maritime history of the Hamilton area;
  • The use of these items for education and research;
  • Liaison and cooperation with other historical collections and museums such as:
    • The Naval Museum of Quebec;
    • Canadian Forces Directorate of History & Heritage
    • Maritime Command Museum, Halifax
    • CFB ESQUIMALT Naval & Military Museum
    • Canadian War Museum
    • HMCS HAIDA National Historic Site
    • The Hamilton Military Museum
    • Canadian Military Heritage Museum, Brantford.

Volunteers:  Any current or former member of the Naval Reserve at HMCS STAR or the RCN and other interested persons are encouraged to contact us to find out how they can get involved. We can always use help.

Members of the committee are available at STAR every Wednesday from 10:00 till 13:00 and the first Thursday and third Tuesday of each month from 19:15 till 21:45, and at other times by appointment (info@hamiltonnaval.ca).