All posts by Dinger

About Dinger

A sea cadet at RCSCC LION from 1963 to 1968, I joined the Naval Reserve at HMCS STAR in 1968 as a Bos'n. I was an Officer Cadet in the ROUTP, commissioned in 1971, and awarded my watchkeeping ticket in 1973. I served at sea, at one time or another, in all five Gate Vessels and HMCS FORT STEELE & CHAUDIERE as well as the Coast Guard icebreaker Louis St. Laurent and served as OIC of the patrol vessels RALLY and RAPID. At STAR from 1968 to 2007, I served as XO twice and then as CO from 2002 to 2005. I rounded out my career by serving as SSO Training at NAVRESHQ in Quebec City in 2008, retiring in 2009 as CO of HMCS HUNTER in Windsor. I was Executive Director for the Friends of HMCS HAIDA till 2011 and have been an active volunteer onboard HAIDA since she arrived in Hamilton in 2003.

HDW Visit

HOPA drone shot of HARRY DEWOLF approaching Copps’ Pier, helped by two Groupe Ocean tugs. Hamilton Spectator
At 6,615 tonnes, almost 2,000 tonnes more than a HALIFAX Class frigate, she’s a big ship.
HARRY DEWOLF’s current morale patch.

A great visit by HMCS HARRY DEWOLF this last weekend. Good crowds out to see the ship with many waiting in long lines to get a chance to go on board.. Our guide, Lt(N) Cadouyette, the ship’s Operations Officer, did a great job. Many thanks.

One change to the ship from last year’s visit which stood out was that all the decks now have names written in both Inuktituk and syllabics. They can be real tongue-twisters.

The ship is currently on the way to the Welland Canal for her trip through Lake Erie and a visit to Windsor.

Annual Remembrance Day Mess Dinner

Hosted by the Chief’s & P.O.’s Mess

Friday, November 8th, 1800 for 1900

Liuna Station, James St. N.

All Inclusive dinner $130.00 / person – e-transfer to no later than 31 October

Soup, salad, lasagne, prime rib, dessert, tea and coffee

Wines and port

Open bar

Guest Speaker LCdr (ret’d) Douglas Martin, CD,  29th Commanding Officer HMCS Star

Dress: Mess Kit / Black Tie / Business Suit or equivalent for ladies

HDW Visits Hamilton


HMCS HARRY DEWOLF will be visiting Hamilton again this year, and will be alongside from Thursday, 17 October to Monday, 21 October (Trafalgar / Niobe Day). She will be alongside the east face of Copps Pier (Pier 8), bow to bow with HMCS HAIDA. The ship will be open to visitors from 10:00 to 17:00 on both Saturday and Sunday.

Changes in the Opsked mean that HMCS GOOSE BAY will not visit Hamilton in November as originally planned.