Royal Canadian Legion Branch 622, 12 King Street East, Stoney Creek
Our LWOTM (Last Wednesday of the Month) on February 29th at 11:30 features a presentation by Cdr (Ret’d) Robert Williamson.
Rejected by the U.S.N. and declared totally unsuitable for Carrier use in 1942 by the Royal Navy’s Chief Test Pilot, the Admiralty invested money they could ill afford in creating a flying program and facilities similar to the Canadian BCATP to train colonials to fly the dangerous Chance Vought F4U Corsair.
What was the FAA thinking?
Cost $20.00/person
Please pay by ETF using: hna@hamiltonnaval.ca and RSVP to: r.dewolfe2023@outlook.com by Friday Feb 23rd so we can order meals.