HDW brings Grey Cup

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HMCS HARRY DEWOLF arrived in Hamilton on Monday, 13 November bringing along with her the Grey Cup in preparation for the game to be held on the 19th. She berthed along the east face of Copp’s Pier (Pier Eight), bow to bow with HMCS HAIDA, whose first Captain in 1943 was Cdr Harry DeWolf himself.

HDW entering the Burlington Canal
HDW under the Skyway Bridge in the Burlington Canal
HDW comes alongside Pier Eight with assistance from tug Ocean Golf
The Grey Cup comes ashore with Bob “The Caretaker” Young right behind.
HDW & HAIDA bow to bow with STAR’s field gun in the foreground.
HDW as seen from STAR’s boatshed
LCdr Mike DiBerardo, CO STAR and Cmdre Patrick Montgomery, Commander Naval Reserve with CPO1 Bob Campbell, Formation Chief, flank the Grey Cup with other STAR sailors at the arrival ceremony on Monday, 13 November.

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