Category Archives: What’s New?

THE FLEET IN WHICH WE SERVED: Visit to Corvettes Bound for Scrap Heap Brings Back Memories

The June 1949 issue of the navy’s magazine, The Crownsnest, carried a story relating the visit by a group of STAR officers to STELCO to inspect corvettes awaiting scrapping for anything useful for training. See: Thanks to SLt Marko Babic for the link. See also Warships Scrapped in Hamilton at

RCNA – Royal Canadian Naval Association

The Canadian Naval Association was formed in 1954 and became the Royal Canadian Naval Association in 1963. A series of reunions were held each year with the fifth in Hamilton in June 1959.

The 1959 CNA parade at the Cenotaph, Gore Park, Hamilton, probably 6 or 7 June 1959. STAR’s band fallen in facing the Cenotaph and the ship’s company on the south side of the Gore.