Battle of the Atlantic

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The Battle of the Atlantic is always remembered on the first Sunday of May.  Being the 75th anniversary of VE Day (Victory in Europe), this year’s ceremonies were to be very special.  COVID-19 has resulted in an amended program.  A virtual commemoration will take place on Sunday 3rd May, on the Navy’s national Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.  Battle of the Atlantic content and programming will begin at 0700 EST and continue throughout the day. 
The content includes:
0800 EST:  Battle of the Atlantic feature video;
0900 – 1000 EST:  Historical overview of key victories and events; and
1100 – 1130 EST:  Modified wreath-laying ceremony by Vice Admiral Art McDonald, Commander of the RCN, and CPO1 David Steeves, Comand Chief Petty Officer. 
 These times are tentative and subject to change.  For more information, please visit:

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